Our school have some unique features and culture. we are following value based education. Our Prospectus will give more details about us.
The fees will be levied as per the fees structure at the time of admission and as per the schedule of fee structure.
Some seats are reserved for intelligent and studious children who are destitute and orphans.
Language are English, Malayalam, Arabic & Hindi. Subjects are Mathematics, General Science, Social Science..
Here all learning is through fun and games. The progress of the child is evaluated by comprehensive assessments.
Variety activities are provided in order to develop the child mentally, physically, socially and emotionally.
All Instructions will be done in English. We have an excellent team to accelerate English communication.
The PTA general body meeting will be held at least twice in a year. The members shall be informed in advance.
Variety activities are provided in order to develop the child mentally, physically, socially and emotionally.
Highly qualified, efficient and experienced trained teachers as per the norms and rules of CBSE are appointed.